Happy New Year!
What did you do today? Rod was off yesterday and today so we spent a lot of time together, but, we didn't do much. I guess that's what you do on a Holiday, right. That's hard for someone used to going all the time, and somehow, it felt empty and kind of lonely. There are just times of the year you want all your loved ones surrounding you. I guess I needed that and I should have done something about it. It came and bit me in the ass later in the day. My big accomplishment was seeing almost all of the Rose Parade...I haven't done that in ages.
I started Weight Watchers a week ago. My Mom and sister started it around Thanksgiving and I have been keeping tabs on their progress. My sister has done terrific, while Mom decided to take a hiatus until after the Holidays. (care to guess who I take after??? :)) I think during the whole six weeks, Jodie only gained once--and only 1/2 a pound. Yea, Jodie!!! So, I am feeling greatly inspired. Yep, moved enough to actually sign up for WW online. AND, to stick with it for the whole week. Yea, ME!!!

The online program has been great. It is very similar to SparkPeople, the free online dieting site. I just felt I needed a little more accountability since my dieting has never really "taken". I figure if I paid for it, I might be more inclined to actually last more than a day. I also want to sign up for Planet Fitness but I don't want to do that until I know I will actually GO. Sounds like I am procrastinating, eh? Yes, I am. But, I really want to not let my initial enthusiasm burn out too quick. If I do baby steps, then I may just be able to get into a routine that I can make into a good habit.
My worst habit when it comes to my health is night time eating. Sometimes I feel that my kitchen cabinets and my refrigerator are calling out to me to come and EAT. It is a very real problem and it is surely associated with emotional eating--brought on by...who knows. I am afraid my introspection in this regard has not been deep enough or frequent enough to come up with a cause. But, tonight on the last day of Week 1, I had a very real struggle.
What do I do instead of eat? I mean, I always have business stuff to do and it's year end so there is a huge list of inventory/bookwork tasks to be accomplished. My house is not white glove perfect. I have lots of projects and things-to-do on written lists. But, when I sat down and thought about it tonight, I really struggled. I mean, WHAT DO I DO INSTEAD OF EAT? Then the tears started and all the food in the kitchen was ready to comfort me, but, I didn't want to ruin an entire week of on-plan eating by raiding the refrigerator. So, what the f**k do you do when you usually go and binge on something but you want to stop that behavior? Really, I had to find out something that might work.

So, I grabbed a glass of water and sat down at the computer and punched "what to do instead of eating" into Google. I found tons of ideas and lists of things to consider. I copied them all into a word document and started editing until I came up with MY LIST. Make that my new "What to do instead of eating" List! And I made a couple copies so I can put them where I might need them.
So, I am going into my weigh-in tomorrow morning with a positive outlook--I am o.k. with whatever the scale says because I know I did a good job making choices this week. I stuck to the plan. I walked a couple times. I drank lots of water. And, maybe the most important thing I did was to come up with my new list to help me tomorrow night, or the nights after when I am confronted with the kitchens gremlins trying to make me eat.
Here's my list. Please let me know if you have any ideas I can add to it. Again, it's MY list, so I didn't put every single suggestion I came across--just things that will work for me down the road.
Things to do instead of eating!
Drink a glass of water and then:
Paint your nails
Brush your teeth/whitestrips
Clean/Organize something!
Fold those clothes
Reorganize your closet.
Pick our an awesome goal weight outfit.
Throw away/donate clothes that are too big
Clean my cat’s litter box
Doing dishes
Cleaning the toilet, shower, or sink.
Cleaning makeup brushes works
Clean your TV and computer screens.
Sweep the floors.
Go for a walk
Play the Wii
Start a journal with pictures, quotes, memories
Read a book
Play a game
Put a puzzle together
Take a nap
Make some tea
Put up inspiring pictures/sayings
Pamper yourself
Do a facemask
Soak your feet
Deep condition your hair.
Go to a movie
Call or e-mail a supportive friend.
Do something to keep your hands busy.
Make a grocery list of healthy foods
Work in your garden, or start an herb garden
Study a foreign language online.
Meditate. Sit on the floor, breathe deeply, and think about what is stressing you.
Read poetry out loud to yourself.
Make your bed.
Drive down a road you haven’t been on before.
Take a sketchpad outside and draw.
Sing along to the radio, except in a falsetto.
Write a story and illustrate it.
Donate the old blankets to a local pet shelter.
Pluck your eyebrows and chin hairs.
Get dressed up and have tea elegantly
Rearrange your furniture.
Sew a patch onto a pair of jeans or a skirt.
Go to the library.
Make a self portrait
Change all your passwords.
Walk around your neighborhood/pick up litter.
Clean out every drawer in your house.
Memorize a famous speech.
Sort out your bills
Take a relaxing bath.
Scream into a pillow.
Read a (non triggering) magazine
Write a blog
Make cards for people
Catch up on Thank You notes
Organize or take photos.
Scratch things off your “to do” list
Give yourself a foot massage
Cuddle with your loved ones!
Water your plants
Tell the binge that you are stronger than it.
Write a letter to your future self
Make a list of why you rock.
Spin around in circles like a Whirling Dervish.
Roll your coins
Stretch on your exercise ball
Read positive affirmations.
Throw a temper tantrum!
Rearrange your furniture
Enter sweepstakes
Volunteer for something!
Update a webpage