Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Isn't it Time?

In his op-ed piece in the New York Times on November 6, 2011, Ethan Nadelmann gives a pretty good push for stopping federal prosecution of  marijuana cases--specifically those cases involving medical marijuana.  IF you read the article, check out the comments, too.  Listen, I am not a user.  I like that we prosecute big time drug dealers.  But, really.  Isn't it time we think about marijuana and where it falls in the continuum of elicit drugs?  In these times of economic hardship, shouldn't we be looking for ways to expand the tax base.  Not to mention reducing overpopulation in our prisions.  It seems to me the time has come to legalize marijuana--not only medical marijuana.  Let's put those tax dollars to work improving our infrastructure.  Let's put the narcs to work chasing real bad guys.  Let's stop sending people to jail for something so...insignificant.


Sheryl said...

Jackie, I agree wholeheartedly, and for the same reasons. It's really time to stop criminalizing such a petty indulgence and tax the stuff instead.

JackieSoap said...

Sheryl--After blogging this my sister thinks I have gone insane. I think the people who believe otherwise need their heads examined! LOL