Sunday, November 13, 2011

What's your Superpower?

I had a giggle over the AARP Magazine's sidebar saying that 33% of Americans from age 45 to 59 would like the ability to time travel as their superpower.

So, what's my wish?  How about the ability to converse in any language--global or universe (think aliens!)?  Does that work?  OK maybe time travel is cool enough.  It's actually pretty useful for someone who at various times in my life has said I was born 200 years to early (namely in my Star Trek days).  Or conversely, I was born 200 years to late--I really loved  "The Wild Wild West" with Robert Conrad.

On the same page is an article talking about the growing trend of speaking a language other than English.  The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 57 million adults speak another language at home.   I have always said that I would love to learn Italian and of course travel over there sometime.  How lucky would it be if I woke up one day and could chuck the Rosetta Stone CDs because all of a sudden I could speak ANY language?  LOL  Of course, AARP wants us to know that there are real life benefits of learning another language--it can help with social connections and it can help you focus so things like multi-tasking are easier.  So, maybe I better stick with those CD's.

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