Saturday, February 11, 2012

Soap Dish 101--NEW Bamboo Soap Trays

At the end of the week last week, I had two orders for the soap dish I had been buying from IKEA.  The one that started out at only $0.99, was made from Teak, shipped easily and worked just as you would expect.  We made the trip around the corner to our local IKEA store and found the shelf empty where those soap dishes should be.  Bummer.

Luckily, they had a new soapdish, above.  It is bamboo, quite large with a nice curved shape--the ends sit about one inch higher than the middle.  It looks like it will drain well too!  That is the key with soap dishes, you know.  It must have drainage holes to keep the soap separate from the water that sheds off your hands and the bar of soap.  Ridges do not cut it.  Drainage holes are the KEY if you plan on keeping your nice handmade soaps from getting soggy!

Anyhow, I listed it on the website for $5.  The dimensions are 4" x 7" and several bars will sit on it quite nicely.

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