Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 6 Weigh-In

Week 6, found me 0.4 lighter than the week before!  Big celebration here as both my parents lost too!!!  Dad was down 2.4 and Mom was down an even 2.  And that was on a week when there were chocolate chip cookies in the house!  I ignored the cookies and my exercise was consistent, so I am very happy with the results.

Our big challenge this week will be dinner out tomorrow night for Valentine's Day.  Where are you going?   What are you doing??  We usually go to one of our local restaurants--our favorite is Carrabbas--and split entrees, add a salad and dessert.  I will not be drinking this year, so, that will be my big sacrifice.  But it's Rod's turn to order, so, it will be Sirloin Marsala with their yummy mashed potatoes--with no salt added please!  Or, maybe I should just get a baked potato?!  Or the brocolli.  Decisions, decisions!

I have been using to track my food and exercise and I am very happy with it.  It is free--a nice bonus--and it works way easier than the trackers on Biggest Loser.  It does take time to enter your favorite recipes.  But, that time it offset by the ease of saving them as favorites to use in your food tracker.  And as you make healthier decisions you can modify the recipes and save them to your food tracker and a recipe box.  Nice touches.  There is an extensive forum and recipe search feature that I haven't spent too much time with, but, so far I am impressed.

The coolest thing by far is seeing how your meals stack up with regards to calories, carbs, fat and protein...and any other "nutrient" you want to track.  For me, I am trying to limit sodium, so it has been less then thrilling to see my number high even though I don't add salt to anything.  LOL  So many prepared foods add way too much sodium (think lunch meats, soups), even food that you think of as diet foods.  Cottage cheese was a huge surprise and my favorite stewed tomatoes too!  So I am really looking for alternatives.  If you have any good substitutions for high salt products, please leave a comment.  :)

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