Monday, April 16, 2012

Tax Day--My Quarterly Tax Mid Year Resolution

The check is in the really...our annual check went out this morning along with the quarterly tax payment to make the April 17th mailing deadline.  I much prefer getting a refund...however small.  But this was not to be one of those years. 

We generally withhold extra through Rod's paycheck.  The last few years, with the economy taking a dump and all the Obama era tax incentives we haven't had to worry too much about extra quarterly payments for my business.  Rod has basically been paying my tax bill...poor guy.  Think of all the cameras and lens he could have bought!

This year I didn't do a very good job withholding quarterly, thus the tax bill due today.  So, this year I am going to pay more attention in June, September and next January on how business is going so I can get a jump start on April 2013.  My sister has already promised to help remind me.  It really is painless--other than writing out the check.  I already have the business numbers tallied--so no excuses!!

Hope your tax day is going smoothly!!

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